5. Angle of Networking: If you want to run a successful business and be an authority in your field you need to network. Networking is connecting with the right people. Connecting with people who matter to your dream and aspiration for your business. People who can help to sustain your business in the period of trial because, every business has a trying period. The period I called "business durability test" when business environmental factors such as economic, politics, legal, socio-cultural e.t.c. challenge your business.
Businesses that are not well connected never survive these period. Networking is an indispensable strategy for business sustainability. For instance, If you are a farmer who specialize in cattle rearing and you are face with one kind of cattle disease, which you have never experience before and you need an advice on how to keep your cattle save and healthy you don't just ask a Doctor! you ask a Veterinary Doctor with experience. You need a financial advice, you don't ask a barber you ask a financial expert with experience. How well you are connected to experienced player in your sector will determine how well your business will grow and at what pace. It is essential you have the right people with the right experience connected to your network.
6. Angle of Appreciation: The major key to an unpaid advert and popularity of business is appreciation. The more of your customers you appreciate for patronizing any of the products or services you offer the more popular your business become, an advert you don't have to pay for. Appreciation begins with THANK YOU, a cup of coffee, a small gift, e.t.c. The more you appreciate your customers, the more your products and services are appreciated.
7. Angle of Motivation: Finally, you need to stay motivated called self-motivation. The business Idea begins with you and the extent with which the business will survive all depends on you. You need to find joy in what you do, invest your ALL, see it as if your life depends on it because it does. Motivate your employee if you have one. Pay them on time, the salaries and all benefits as at when due. Respect and honour your employee, treat them well because, whatever you do to your employee(s), you will earn the income inform of service render to your customer(s).
Author: Abiodun M. Adeyemo
Business Analyst and Motivational Speaker.
email: soye80@gmail.com
Thank you for the lesson.